Etolika Panigyria (Festivals)

Etolika Panigyria (Festivals)

The word Panigyri is folklore, a popular and established pronunciation of the ancient word “Pas-agyris”, which means gathering of a crowd. The festival satisfies the timeless need that people have to gather, to have fun, to celebrate and to rejoice. Wine, music, song,...
Salt Flats in Mesolongi

Salt Flats in Mesolongi

Salt has played a crucial role in the history of civilization, enabling food to be preserved over the winters until the modern miracles of refrigeration and preservation. This is no less true in Greece, where the salt used in antiquity likely came from the salt flats...
Mesolongi The Sacred Town of Greece

Mesolongi The Sacred Town of Greece

Since its foundation in the 16th century, the economy of Mesolongi is based on fishing in the large sea lagoon. What started as a fishermen settlement became a small naval center two centuries after its founding. By the 18th century, the ships of Mesolongi were...
Souvlaki “The Greek”

Souvlaki “The Greek”

Souvlaki The Greek… Perhaps the most basic delicacy of Greek gastronomy, but also one of the most famous ones! In Greek culture, the practice of cooking food on spits or skewers historically dates back to the Bronze Age. Archaeological findings and writings...
Christopsomo – The Bread of Christ

Christopsomo – The Bread of Christ

Christopsomo according to tradition is the bread that women in Greece make in honor of Christ with special care and patience, on Christmas Eve. It is the blessed bread of the Christmas table, and it will represent the life of the master of the house and his family....