This is defiantly the ultimate Greek Summer dish, this is how you know that summer has arrived when everyone is cooking this amazing Greek specialty!! Make it only in the summer when the tomatoes are full of flavor and aromas and the garden pots are full of fresh herbs.
You need about 12 vegetables of your preference, tomatoes, green bell peppers, round zucchini
About a small handful of rice for every vegetable you use
2cups tomato juice
1 big onion
A good amount of fresh herbs, spearmint, basil, parsley, dill all chopped
1.1/2 of good Greek olive oil
Salt and pepper

Wash your vegetables.
Use a knife and spoon to cut a lid on the tomatoes and empty the flesh over a bowl or a plate so you can preserve the juices

Do the same with the bell peppers and zucchini and place them in your cooking pan

With a knife stub the bell peppers on their sides ones

Grind the onion in a food processor and cook it with some olive oil in a saucepan

Dice the flesh of the tomatoes

Add the rice, the diced tomato, 3tbsp of the herbs, 1cup of the tomato juice, salt and pepper, some water and cook until the rice is half cooked.

Season the vegetable cases with salt and a pinch of sugar.

Fill the vegetables with the half cooked rise ¾ full only

Cover the vegetables with their lids, and season with the salt and pepper again. Pour the rest of the olive oil around the vegetables, and the rest of the tomato juice.

Add 2cups water in the pan, cover with aluminum foil and cook in the oven at 200oC for about 45 minutes.

Remove the foil, add another 1cups water in the pan and return to the oven at 185oC for another 45 minutes or until the vegetables are nicely caramelized.

Recipe from Joanna Theodorou
Watch the video here