Recipe and photos: Gianna Balafouti
250grms honey of your choice
250grms white sesame seeds
Juice of half lemon
Optional: dried fruit, chocolate drops, cinnamon, nutmeg.
Weight the sesame and honey, must be the same quantity in weight.
Using a non-stick pan add the honey and warm it up, with the help of a thermometer bring it to 50 degrees Celsius (106F).
Stir the sesame seeds into the honey with a spatula and allow temperature to reach 105 degrees Celsius (220F) stirring continuously because mixture will start getting heavier and sticky. If you decide to add any other ingredients this is the time.

Continue stirring but make sure you don’t burn yourself and don’t let the ingredients change color. In other words don’t let the honey caramelize and don’t let the sesame toast because it will become bitter.
Just before reaching the final temperature add the lemon juice.
Using sesame oil or any other vegetable oil, oil a smooth surface of a cooking tray or baking pan. Plain sesame oil will give a better aroma.
Empty the hot sesame mix on the oiled surface and spread evenly moving fast.
Cover mix with parchment paper and spread evenly with a rolling pin. It must have the same thickness from corner to corner.
Allow 5 minutes to cool down and then cut to your preferred size sesame bars. In the picture they are 3,5 cm squares.

Separate the pieces so they don’t touch each other.
The sesame bars are ready when cooled down completely.

You can store them together using parchment paper to separate them.
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